Origination of Investment Opportunities
Modern Energy Management’s clients are investors, and we understand our success is dependent on their ability to identify superior investment opportunities. Investment decisions for renewable energy projects should be accompanied by thorough risk analysis. Modern Energy Management goes beyond a mere “academic” assessment of a project. Our team is uniquely qualified with real world experience developing, building and operating renewable energy plants in emerging markets. This give us an advantage in assessing risks related to investment decisions.

Origination of investment opportunities
(focus on vetting project investability)
Project Origination
- Identification of greenfield sites via proprietary data sets (800 discrete sites identified across 5 ASEAN markets)
- Technical, land, regulatory and stakeholder evaluation
- Fatal flaws assessment, preliminary resource assessment and financial performance assessment
Project Acquisition Due Diligence
- Market intelligence on 30GW of projects regionally
- Commercial and technical due diligence
- Preliminary financial analysis
MEM performs a thorough assessment of proprietary sites to ensure the highest probability of project success.
Energy Resource
- Macro-scale resource modelling
- Desktop analysis of regional geotechnical risks
Market Analysis
- Active developers
- Location of regional projects under development
- Desktop and site analysis of regional road network risks
- Identify point of connection
- Evaluate potential export capacity, cost & works
Land & Permits
- Identify project land footprint
- Client confirms land availability & permit process
Environmental and Social
- Identify potential project risks
- Consider Equator principles and world bank standards