Value Engineering
Every project is unique in both design and risk profile. “Standard” design specifications typically lead to overbuild in areas where it is not required, and do not adequately address areas that present risk to construction and operations. MEM has a track record of balancing the reduction of project cost and risk effectively.
Value engineering is not strictly about reducing cost. It’s about reducing waste and overbuild, while focusing on project-specific risks. This helps to ensure the project is delivered on-time, on-schedule and according to investor expectations. Due to Modern Energy Management’s distinct project management capabilities, we have a truly unique ability to reduce cost and risk on our projects, thereby improving investor returns.

Reduction of wind farm CAPEX and OPEX are our specialty. In fact, to date the value of savings and improvement to project IRR we have achieved for our clients often outweighs fees charged on their projects, typically making Modern Energy Management “cost neutral” to the project.
Matching wind resources at the project site the selection and placement of the ideal wind turbine is the core of optimizing the wind project energy yield. MEM has in house capability to perform integrated services for each phase of the project development, which include:
- Acquisition due diligence
- Wind measurement campaign
- Wind farm layout and siting of wind turbines
- Energy yield calculations
- Noise and flicker
- Wind turbine selection
- Cost of energy analysis
- Financial modeling